The best rice requires the best soil, and we ensure our soil is rich and healthy. We use a mixture of our own organic compost, fermented on site in our compost house, and siliceous fertilizer to enhance the quality of our soil, improve our crops and protect them from disease.
Excellent rice comes from healthy roots. To ensure healthy roots, we apply organic fertilizer, which also makes each grain of rice bigger. Our rice is specially cultivated and we limit the applications of fertilizer and the nitrogen content to less than half of normal farming procedures. This ensures we produce rice with perfect adhesiveness, tenderness and complex flavor.
We have expanded our rice production adjustment (crop conversion) as well as the area for soybean fields and meadows. These lands are host to insects, which can damage the rice crop. To protect the quality of the rice crop, we use approved agricultural chemicals, in the approved amounts, and use a drone to spray insecticide, protecting our staff. Specially cultivated rice is not exposed to the chemicals.
We do not have any mystical way of cultivating rice. Nature provides the best: pure water in the Kurobe River, refreshing wind from Tateyama, "Arase", and the unique climate of Nyuzen to ensure perfect rice.
Dehydration is an important process for preserving the rice and achieving great flavor. We use a large-size dehumidifier, not an oil burner. By slowly stirring the rice in a storage tank, we take ten to fourteen days to dehydrate the rice naturally. The rice is the same quality as if it were dried on a rack in the traditional manner.
After dehydration the rice is kept in a low-temperature storage house to guard the flavor. Just before shipping, the rice is polished and we carefully remove any impurities.